In The Media…

Received a Disallowance Letter for Your ERC? Here's What to Do Next

IRS Updates on ERTC Claims: Key Actions and What They Mean for Your Business

ERTC Update: Virginia Senators Advocate for Swift IRS Action on ERTC Claims

IRS moves forward with Employee Retention Credit claims

Urgency in Processing Low-Risk ERC Claims Highlighted by Former IRS Commissioner

IRS Update: IRS Continues to Work on ERTC Compliance

Take Action Now: ERC Coalition Survey

IRS Allows Ineligible Employers to Return ERC Money

Press Release: Coalition to Preserve American Jobs (“CPAJ”) appoints CEO of Boston Growth Partners to Board of Directors

Eligibility in Pictures: Part Three
Eligibility In Pictures (Part Three)

IRS Rejects 20,000 Fake Claims… But Not Yours

Eligibility in Pictures: Part Two
Eligibility In Pictures (Part Two)

BGP Urges Prompt Release of Small Business COVID Refunds

Eligibility in Pictures: Part One
Eligibility In Pictures (Part One)

Assurance Regarding Your ERTC Claim

Yes, You Can Still Apply. Read This Article From Forbes.

Oct. 3rd Letter from House Ways & Means to IRS re: ERTC

Client Notification: ERTC Refund Status

Demystifying the ERTC: Answering 5 FAQs from Restaurant Owners