ERTC Update - Time to Take Action

Dear Clients,

We hope you are enjoying your summer. We want to remind you that we are advocating for each of your refunds on a daily basis. Rest assured; we will stick with it until you have been paid.

Some clients have asked us if there is anything they can do to help expedite the process. If you are interested, we have provided a simple way for you to send a pre-filled, automated email to your representative in Congress.


After hearing from their constituents who are frustrated and deserve their ERC refunds, elected officials are starting to put pressure on the IRS by writing letters urging the IRS to begin processing claims. At this link you’ll find a recent example written by Rep. Tenney (NY) in response to efforts from clients like you.

By clicking the link below, you can email your local congressional leader using the pre-filled message in less than one minute. All you have to add is your name, email address and street address so it goes to your representative.

Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

The Team from Boston Growth Partners


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